An Englishman's Tour in 1868

"John Robertson is remembered as one of the ' cousinhood of Robertsons, all canny Scotchmen, shrewd, illiterate and rich'. " [Peter Rymill, 2010, Notes of a Journey to the South Eastern District January 1863 by William Milne, p 60, ftnt 2] The author of that witty slur (in italics) was Stanley Leighton (1837-1901), second son of an English baronet, educated at Harrow School and Balliol College, Oxford University. He 'toured' the Australian colonies in 1868 and his collection of watercolours, pencil drawings and "copious rough jottings" from that period were subsequently gifted to the National Library of Australia (MS 360). Despite his inscription that "The writer of these notes was traveling for pleasure", Leighton's Sketches of Australia with Journal Extracts (London, 1868) are "Not just a gentleman's reminiscence". They are "as much the report of a self-appointed inquiry into the progress of the Australian colo...