The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant Taylor of London, 1550 - 1563 [ed. J.G. Nichols, Camden Society first series, 42 (London, 1848) (accessed 28 January 2024)] Extracts from the PREFACE : (editor) ' The writer was a citizen of London, of no great scholarship or attainments, as his language and cacography plainly testify, sufficiently prejudiced no doubt, and not capable of any deep views either of religious doctrine or temporal policy; but the matters of fact which he records would be such as he either witnessed himself, or had learned immediately after their occurrence: and the opinions and sentiments which he expresses would be shared by a large proportion of his fellow citizens.' ' The Diary, in fact, originated from the nature of the writer's business as a furnisher of funeral trappings; and it is at first a mere record of the principal Fune...