
Showing posts from February, 2025

Fracas AUKUS

"... the challenges facing the AUKUS partners in delivering  'at least eight'  nuclear-powered submarines for the Royal Australian Navy ... just how much the undertaking will strain the armed forces and industrial capacity of all three countries ... will be the anvil on which a key set of relationships, capabilities and effects will be either forged or broken ..." (Nick Childs, 2023, 'The AUKUS Anvil: Promise and Peril', Survival , 65.5, 7-24)   AUKUS 15 September 2021 announcement: [US President Biden, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison]  " If things go according to plan  Australia will join an elite fraternity of like-minded nations operating nuclear-powered submarines; the submarine-production capacity of the three partners  will significantly increase; and, by the middle of the century, about a dozen extra such submarines could be added to the combined inventories of the AUKUS navies ... From the outset, AUKUS al...

Fiasco AUKUS

  'All great powers behave like gangsters. And all small nations behave like prostitutes.' [Emery Reves, 1946, The Anatomy of Peace , London, quoted in  Keith Lowe, 2017, The Fear and The Freedom , New York, p 192 ] 1. Behaving like a prostitute:      ( Jamal Barnes & Samuel Makinda, 2022, 'Testing the limits of international society? Trust, AUKUS and Indo-Pacific security', International Affairs , 98.4, 1307-1325). "... US President Joe Biden, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced a new trilateral military partnership called AUKUS on 15 September 2021, [claiming] their main goal was to protect a rules-based international order and 'preserve security and stability in the Indo-Pacific'; [sharing] military capabilities and critical technologies, such as cyber, artificial intelligence, quantum technologies, and undersea domains'. "... France ... has been the first casualty of the new partnership ......

Frau Andrea Ellendt

"100 years ago, the nationalist agitator Andrea Ellendt spread hate slogans from Kitzingen in the Main [River] triangle. The authorities often let her do as she pleased ― with consequences ... The 31 year old   woman, whom her admirers called 'Miss', was a striking figure : an eyewitness described her as 'slim and well-groomed like a lady'. She wore a small hat on her hair that resembled a small helmet, and the black coat with the wide leather belt also had something military about it." Roland Flade. 11 September, 2022, 'Radical "Miss" from Mexico : The first woman to publicly campaign for Hitler on the Main', Main Post, <> Andrea Ellendt as Rightwing Propagandist     "Andrea Ellendt is [sic] a tireless speaker for the German Nationalist Protection and Defense League [, especially in Munich and Franconia. In this capacity she also appears at a Nazi Party event on 11 May, 1922, in the Munich Burgerbr...