The Supreme Stickiness of Trump's Supporter Base

TRUMP BITS: (a) In the Ring / On the Stage "I'm a total act", Trump told Anthony Scaramucci, "and I don't understand why people don't get it". [Insights from BS Day & A Wedderburn, 2022, 'Wrestlemania! Summit Diplomacy and Foreign Policy Performance after Trump', International Studies Quarterly , <>]. "Trump gravitated towards wrestling throughout his business career. Indeed, in a life marked by vacillation and inconstancy toward everyone except himself, the recurring presence of the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) is a striking anomaly. Trump's resorts frequently hosted WWE events, Trump himself regularly lent his celebrity to WWE promotions, and he even performed in prominent wrestling storylines. The association not only survived Trump's political ascendancy but thrived during his time in office. In 2016, WWE's majority owners Vince and Linda McMahon ― contemporary pro-wrest...