A fifteenth century chronicler, William Gregory of the Skinners Company, Mayor of London in 1451, made a list of the parish churches and monasteries within and without the walled city (153 in total). In addition to the mere names and numbers of the churches, he provided descriptive comments about some of the monastic foundations. Three of these were in the area close to Bishopsgate and operated as charitable institutions, or 'hospitals' ― in medieval usage, 'an institution supported by alms or bequests for care of the needy'. 1 Pappy Chyrche in the Walle be twyne Algate and Bevysse Markes And hyt ys a grete frateryte of prestys and of othyr seqular men. And there ben founde of almys cetayne prestys, both blynde and lame, that be empotent; and they have day masse and xiiij d. [14 pence] a weke, barber and launder, and one to dresse and provyde for hyr mete and drynke. 2 A chyrche of Owre Lady that ys namyde Bedlem ...