God's Builder Gundulf

...bishop Gundulf, seeing as he was in masonry work the greatest and the ablest, might from his own means build a stone castle for [the king] at Rochester... Textus Roffensis Written by a monk of the Priory of St Andrew the Apostle in Rochester, probably decades after the negotiations it describes, the praise of his bishop could be overdone. However, Gundulf's reputation was based on more hearsay and legend. He may, or may not, have been the architect of the Tower of London and Colchester Castle, but the evidence of his construction of monastic and defensive buildings in Kent is more convincing. THE TWO TOWERS Predating Gundulf's ecclesiastic structures were a couple of tall stone towers. While they don't match the squat, massif footprints of contemporary castle keeps like Chepstow or Colchester, they were stand-alone fortified buildings. Gundulf's Tower at Rochester had walls 6 feet thick enclosing a groun...