Ooldea Soak
Long before the days of white-man Ooldea Water was a refuge in times of severe drought and distress. Yuldi belonged to Kokata ; southern Mirning and Wirangu , northern Ngalea and Pindini , came in for water and barter; pituri , ochre, flint, nulu . Around the Soak lay scatters of stone tool making that speak of trade and related matters. Of particular interest are the black glassy stones called nulu called meteorites called tektites called australites called nulu medicine stones death pointers sacred stones magic stones rain makers charm stones message stones circumcisers punishment stones healing stones barter stones. Droplets of siliceous glass, a mystery. Little enigmas strewn like fossil raindrops over the Nullarbor Plain. Sky-stones fallen from the Sky-world. Kabbarli : ...